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Press Release 


All set for forthcoming Volleyball season

The Malta Volleyball Association has announced that preparations for the start of official competitions for the season 2015/16, are in their final stages. The forthcoming season will see no less than ten teams taking part in the Women’s competitions, which will start off with a round-robin format and which will later be split up into two categories, namely the Super League and the First Division. Significantly, this season will also see the return of the Men’s League after an absence of one season, with the participation of four teams. Commenting on the forthcoming volleyball season, MVA President Jesmond Saliba stated that since its election in June of this year, “the new Executive Council has worked hard to bring all local volleyball clubs on board, adopting open lines of communication in order to ensure that nobody felt left out”. He added that the MVA was “very happy with the number of clubs taking part in this year’s competitions, and particularly with the fact that the Men’s League will be taking place again this year”. The MVA President also said that he was satisfied with the clubs’ participation in the youth categories, “a sector which this administration considers a priority”. Saliba explained that apart from the respective leagues, the MVA will be organising other official competitions throughout the season. The John Bugeja Tribute Pre-Season Matches are currently underway, while a Christmas Tournament in scheduled for December and the National Cup will be held in April.

Another important development which should enhance the quality of this year’s volleyball competitions is the setting up of the Malta Volleyball Referees Association. The MVRA will be responsible for the ongoing training of referees and their allocation to officiate local volleyball matches. In collaboration with the Malta Volleyball Association, the MVRA recently organised the first of a series of refereeing courses for beginners and refresher courses for existing referees, which will be held on a regular basis.



Kollox lest għall-istaġun il-ġdid tal-Volleyball Malti


Il-Malta Volleyball Association ħabbret li jinsabu għaddejjin ġmielhom l-aħħar preparazzjonijiet għal bidu tal-kompetizzjonjiet uffiċjali għall-istaġun 2015 – 2016. B’kollox ser ikun għaxar timijiet jieħdu sehem fil-kompetizzjonijiet tan-Nisa. L-ewwel parti ta’ l-istaġun ser tkun fil-format ta’ Round Robin, fil-waqt li aktar tard tinqasam f’żewġ kategoriji, Super-League u l-Ewwel Diviżjoni.

Dan l-istaġun qed jara wkoll ir-ritorn tal-League ta’ l-irġiel bil-parteċipazzjoni ta’ erba’ timijiet.

Jesmond Saliba, President tal-Malta Volleyball Association, qal li f’dawn l-ewwel xhur ta’ ħidma, l-Eżekuttiv il-ġdid tal-MVA ħadem biex jġib flimkien il-klabbs kollha flimkien f’ħidma li tgħaqqad u tinvolvi kemm jista’ jkun lil kulħadd. Huwa żied li l-MVA hija kuntenta bin-numru ta’ klabbs li qed jieħdu sehem fil-kompetizzjonijiet ta’ din

is-sena, kif ukoll bil-fatt li reġa beda il-kampjonat ta’ l-irġiel. Saliba esprima wkoll is-sodisfazzjon tiegħu għal parteċipazzjoni tal-klabbs fil-kampjonati għaż-żgħażagħ, setturli huwa priorita’ għall-aministrazzjoni ta’ l-MVA.

Sadanittant tħabbar ukoll li apparti l-kampjonati rispettivi, l-MVA ser torganiżża numru ta’ kompetizzjonijiet uffiċjali oħra matul l-istaġun. Fost dawn hemm il-logħob tal-“John Bugeja Tribute Pre-Season Matches”, il-Christmas Tournament u n-National Cup. Sadanittant tħabbar żvilupp importanti ħafna li għandu jwassal għal titjib fil-kwalita tal-kompetizzjonijiet ta’ din is-sena. Fil-fatt ġiet mwaqqfa il-Malta Volleyball Referees Associaiton. L-MVRA hija responsabbli mir-rekrutaġġ u t-taħriġ tar-referees u l-ħatra tar-referees għal-logħob ta’ dan l-istaġun. Iktar kmieni din is-sena, l-MVRA, b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ l-MVA, organizzat l-ewwel minn serje ta’ korsijiet ta’ taħriġ għal dawk interessati u dawk involuti f’dan is-settur.


Photos Taken by Mr. Mark Soler